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Bison Designer Aluminium

Aluminium Windows and Doors for Beauty and Performance

Welcome to our guide on our aluminium windows and doors. If you’re building a new home, extending, or renovating your existing home, you want to make sure that your windows and doors are both functional and aesthetically pleasing. Our aluminium windows and doors are a great choice for those who want to enjoy slim sight lines, energy efficiency, and high-security features while complying with building regulations.

Aluminium Windows and Doors
Aluminium Windows and Doors

The Innovation of our Aluminium Windows and Doors

One of the standout features of the aluminium windows and doors are their slim sight lines. This means that the frames are narrower, allowing more natural light to enter your home and giving you a better view of the outside world. The slim profile also gives your home a modern, sleek look that can enhance its overall appearance.

Product Brochures

Bison Designer Aluminium

c/o Bison Trade Frames UK Ltd

Unit H1,
Bromcliffe Park,
Monk Bretton,
S71 5RN.

0800 138 3838
[email protected]


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